Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Okay, I work as a host at a pretty popular restaurant in my area and I have seen ALL kinds of people come in there.  I mean from all over the world with all different backgrounds and its amazing to me how everyone has different takes on what the restaurant experience is suppose to be like.  SO I am going to give you all a little advice on how to have a more pleasant dining experience for you and the staff.

1. Do NOT be upset when you come into a popular restaurant (without a reservation) on a Saturday night at 7:00 and there is an hour and a half wait.  ALWAYS expect to wait an hour to two hours on the weekends at MOST restaurants. I PROMISE there are not secret empty tables that they are just letting sit there just to piss you off.

2. If you are going to a restaurant for “drinks” or “dessert”, SIT IN THE BAR. 

3. UNLESS it is obviously a slow night, don’t be that person that complains about a server because being a server is honestly one of the hardest jobs to do especially on nights when you have 7 tables that all get sat at the same time and all want bread and drinks right then and there because they’re in a will be a miracle if you don’t mess someone’s order up.

4. If your server is laughing at all your jokes and engaging in conversation with you, they are a GOOD server because I guarantee you all they are thinking about is how much longer table 434’s food is going to take before they get pissed.

5. When you go to restaurant, and pay the bill, YOU ARE PAYING FOR THE FOOD. That’s it. The food. You are NOT paying for the service. You tip your server to pay for that.  And yes they serviced you.  You could have ordered it togo or cooked at home, but no you wanted to be served and waited on hand and foot and if that’s what you got, tip them. End of story.

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