Wednesday, April 8, 2015


I will start this post off by saying I do watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians and I am not proud of it, but I still don’t fully understand how she became 
t h e  m o s t  f a m o u s  p e r s o n  i n  t h e  w o r l d  
from a reality show? But maybe it wasn’t just the reailty show (or the cough tape). Maybe she is literally the best person in the world at marketing herself. I mean she has everything from a nail polish line to a video game.  When you have that wide of a market spread, an unfathomable amount of followers on social media, and every entertainment source out there is obsessed with you, you probably would pretty famous.  It also doesn’t hurt that she has a very unique look and a slew of family members with their own drama.  People like to say she has no talent and while I agree she doesn’t have your typical dance/sing/act/athlete going on, she CLEARLY has serious marketing skills.  The woman knows people love her and she uses it to her advantage like no other.  She is always out and looking AMAZING FROM HEAD TO TOE.  Is it also a coincidence that she married a very influential/controversial celebrity who photographers are also obsessed with?  She is ALWAYS promoting her latest product all over social media.  Say what you will, but the woman has figured out how to make millions and millions from…being herself.

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