Monday, April 13, 2015

Food For Thought

We have all heard the saying money doesn’t buy happiness, but how true is that?  I know money can’t buy love and meaningful relationships, but it can make your life a lot less stressful.  When you have to make rent in 2 days and your $200 short, I know for me already having my rent paid would make me very happy.  Or when you really want to go on a vacation because you’re so exhausted from working, but can’t afford it?  I don’t think simply having money will make you a happy person, but not having to stress about things like food, bills, mortgage, school loans, debt, etc will you make you a lot less stressed which in turn will make you a little bit happier.  So I think the difference is money will not make you just suddenly happy.  That comes from the relationships you have and the outlook you have on your life. The only thing you gain from money is security.  So while financial success is important I don’t think you should spend all your time focused on that because in the end that’s not what will bring you happiness.

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